Sunday, June 5, 2011

Learning Styles

My Learning Style Quiz Results
Quiz can be found at

Reflecting on my results, it seems that my two highest areas are Visual-Spatial and Interpersonal. This is a pretty accurate representation of how I feel that I learn best. Throughout school, I have also been a hands on learner, needed to see something and experience it to learn best. I tend to be able to manipulate and visualize things in my head or see a picture of the final outcome. I also tend to thrive on social interaction, which I think is one of the reasons that teaching is a great fit for me. Being able to interact with students and staff, present information that I am passionate about, and share my opinions is something that I truly enjoy and look forward to everyday. A close third in my results was logical-mathematical. While math is not one of my strong suits, the sciences are. It is interesting to see that many of the learning style results are fairly close with one another, which in my mind means that it is important to incorporate all types of learning in the classroom because each learning style has their own benefits and may allow educators to present the information in the best way.

In looking back at my educational past, it seems that the naturalistic and interpersonal learning styles where the ones that were the least effective for me. Despite the results of this quiz, I am not one with nature and do not care about the organization or classification of plants or animals (even though I am a Biology teacher, those are some topics that I have little interest with). As far as interpersonal learning, I am not one to like working alone or in a quiet environment. I tend to like many things going on at once, noise in the background, and multi-tasking. 

As an educator, I feel that it is important that we reach out to all of our students and all of their learning styles. While it is difficult to incorporate every learning style into every lesson, it is important that our lessons are not presented in the same way everyday. By incorporating lessons or activities that hit each different learning style, we are able to present and work with information or course content in a way so that every student is able to learn and retain information in a way that suits them best. It is also important to incorporate all learning styles so that all students have opportunities to work at their personal best. If we only focused on one or two learning styles in every lesson, many students would be left in the dark and would not have the opportunity to do their personal best. 

1 comment:

  1. Your last paragraph made me think of some professional development I had that talked about repetition with a difference. I am not sure I had a lot of different things going on in my classroom, but I do know, I wanted students to have a chance at retaining information by giving them different ways to learn the same objective.
