Friday, August 19, 2011

Wicked Problem Project CEP 812

Wicked Problem Project In 3 Parts

Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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The audience for this problem and solution is fellow teachers. It could also be used for administrators.


In the foreign language classroom, it is essential that students communicate with each other in the target language and continually practice their language skills. Performance assessments and group projects are a way for foreign language teachers to assess student learning and progress. However working with group members, varying schedules, and meeting deadlines always seem to lead to issues. The problem I am addressing is collaboration in the Foreign Language classroom for group projects and performance assessments.


To address the problem, I will introduce students to Google Docs. Google Docs will allow students to collaborate in real time on projects, such as writing assignments, creating presentations, assessing reading comprehension, collection information, etc. With Google Docs, students will have an opportunity to work together at school and work remotely from home without having the need to be in one central location. With this technology, students no longer need to have a common meeting time to get togehter' they can call work on the same assignment at a time that is convenient for them. One other great feature of Google Docs, is that all the information is stored in the 'cloud', students can access their documents from any computer and at any time with out any worry that they left an assignment at school or home, or that they do not have the necessary software at home to complete the assignment. This solution also allows for ongoing feedback from peers, group members and teachers, which will in turn lead to better project creation.

The focus for my Wicked Problem Project is collaborative group work in the foreign language classroom for performance assessment. It is important for foreign language educators to assess progress of students in their written, comprehension, speaking, and listening skills. Many of these assessments are done in small groups and require collaboration to accomplish the task. By applying principals of TPACK to the solution, one can ensure that we are highlighting technology, content, and pedagogy in our delivery.

1.     What is the TP knowledge for the solution?

The technology I have chosen to help facilitate group collaboration in the foreign language classroom is Google Docs. With Google Docs, students have the option to create a document, presentation, spreadsheet, form, drawing, or use a template to present information.  Because communication is such a big player in the French classroom, students must interact with other classmates in the target language. Performance assessments, such as creating a written document, writing and performing a skit, creating a presentation, or communicating with others are essential ways for teachers to assess skills and progress. Google docs allows for collaboration with group members, it makes the information easily accessible at any computer and at any time, and allows for editing and feedback from other group members, classmates, or teachers.

2.     What is the TC knowledge for the solution?

Essentially, the problem being addressed is group collaboration for French performance assessments. The performance assessments are widely variable and can include anything from writing a skit, to creating a menu, presenting information on French culture or history, or interviewing other students to name a few. Google Docs makes the content or topic more accessible to students by allowing them to access the information at any time and on any computer, they can read and watch as other group members contribute, they can edit (add/omit) information, and they can provide feedback to others throughout the process. Also, one main focus in any foreign language classroom is communication. This tool allows not only for communication in English, but is a tool to help promote and facilitate communication in the target language from the most novice language student to the most advanced.

3.     What is the PC knowledge for the solution?

The focus of any foreign language classroom is to teach students how to communicate through reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the same time teaching about the culture, history, and arts of the target language. My focus is the French language and all that it has to offer. Google docs allows for and enhances group work and collaboration, role-playing, outlining, artifact creation, and can all be applied and carried out in the target language or in varying degrees based on the level of the language learner.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FInal Reflection CEP 811

Wow! It has been a great summer of learning after finishing CEP 810 and wrapping up CEP 811 and CEP 812 this week. I have had the opportunity add so many new tools to my technology toolbox and think of new ideas how to integrate technology into my teaching for this upcoming school year.

Technology is a great way to enhance the teaching and learning that is going on in your classroom. It not only allows you to make your lessons interactive and engaging, but it gives the content the 'cool' factor. Using these new tools will make students want to learn and in turn will allow them to absorb and learn the information in a 21st century manner. By utilizing the technology tools we have available, we not only give students better opportunities in the classroom, but we have an better opportunity to hit various learning styles, reach students that may get lost in a classroom, create lessons, projects, assessments, etc with universal design principals so we accommodate every type of student.  I think learning about Universal Design, I had the opportunity to better evaluate what I have done in the past and what I can do in the future. I have also reinforced my skills with technology tools that I have recently learned about in other courses. During this course, I have strengthened my collaboration skills not only with others in this course, but in the wider educational community through MERLOT. By having the ability to share resources with colleagues all over the world with the ability to give and receive feedback is a great tool for any educator.

In CEP 810, we set forth a personal growth plan. One main goal was to continue to build my technology toolbox and delve into Google Docs. Through this course and CEP 812, I feel that I have thoroughly explored and utilized Google Docs and many of the features it has to offer. I am looking forward to introducing this software to my students this school year and to use it as a productivity and collaboration tool. One goal that I scratched the surface of is the utilization of cell phones as educational tools. I would like to explore this area more as I continue my studies and search for the ways to harness the capabilities of cell phones to further student learning instead of writing discipline referrals for students having them out. In the long term, I am continuing on at Michigan State in the MAET program. I also plan to be an advocate for technology in my district and continue my learning in how technology can enhance what is going on in the classroom.

Here is a brief video summing up my studies in educational technology this summer. I created this video with animoto for CEP 812. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Professional Learning Plan CEP 812

Before beginning the Educational Technology Certificate courses this spring and summer, I thought that I was using technology in my classroom. However, I barely scratched the surface. I have learned about so many cool technology tools to use in my classroom, I am very excited for this school year to begin so I can begin using everything that I have been learning about and personally using through CEP 810, 811, and 812.  Looking back to the beginning of this summer, I created my Personal Technology plan and my plan for growth.

Group Leadership Project CEP 812

Here is our group leadership project for CEP 812. Our group choose to focus our professional development tutorial on Google Forms and how they can be used in an educational setting. Enjoy!

For our tutorial, our group choose to use Google documents to do the creation portion of our presentation and our script. We divided the project amongst our group giving each group member a specific task to complete. I was in charge of creating the How to section of the presentation. I also converted each group members slides into one cohesive format using PowerPoint. For the final presentation, we choose to use SlideShare to deliver the presentation. SlideShare allowed us to take our presentation and merge it with the audio file we created to walk viewers through the tutorial. It allows for an easy integration of the two components and is very user friendly.

During the development process, I was able to continually work on listening to other's ideas and look at  things from different angles. Every group member brings something unique to the group and it is important to take feedback and critique from others in order to create a final product that puts the topic in the best light for viewers.

I don't know if I would approach the task in a different manner. For many group projects, I have always used the method of divide and conquer. Splitting the tasks amongst group members and integrating all the parts in the end has always seemed to work for me. I also like the idea of collaboration at the end, giving and receiving feedback on each group members contribution and tweaking the final product as a group. I think I would try to rely less on e-mail and use Google Docs and Skype as the main means of communication on the final product. The e-mail worked well, however, at times your e-mail inbox was flooded with small e-mails related to the project. Overall, I think our group did a great job collaborating and creating this tutorial to teach educators how to use Google Forms in their classroom in many different contexts.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Online Teaching Experiences CEP 811

The Michigan Merit Curriculum Online Experience Guideline Companion Document is a practical document that highlights the core principals of online learning and the characteristics of quality online experiences. The document provides a guideline and links for teachers to explore in order to enhance or supplement the teaching and learning that is going on in their classroom.

I think that all of this content will be beneficial for our students if used in the correct context and throughout their course load. For my students in French, I think web-quests, educational blogs, wiki, podcasting and videocasting, learning management systems, and electronic portfolios can all help me teach with technology.

Web-quests will allow students to use the Internet to explore the web and seek out information to complete a task. Web-quests also have the ability to be done individually or collaboratively with a group. 

Educational Blogs allow for reflection and writing, which are key components for any classroom and the learning process.

Wiki's are a useful tool to share information and collaborate for a common goal. This tool can be difficult to control if students are constantly editing information. Teachers need to make sure users are adding correct information and collaborating with others in the proper fashion. This can be a great tool and can foster great teaching moments about 'netiquette' when problems do arise.

Podcasts and Videocasts are great tools for the foreign language classroom. I have used them in the past for radio broadcasts advertising an event. Students create a poster and a radio advertisement to accompany the poster all in the target language. 

Learning management software allow teachers to deliver content and give feedback digitally. I think it is important that students have access to this information anytime at any computer. It makes the course materials and feedback accessible. 

Electronic portfolios would be great to showcase progress over the course of a school year. It can help show growth and serve as an easy way to share materials with others.

Every task is unique and I do not think that any one pedagogical strategy can be used. I think a couple main ones to focus on are collaboration, inquiry based tasks, presentation tasks, and most importantly, I think it is important to hit all different learning styles by providing instruction of a topic or tool in multiple ways and giving the students multiple ways to interact and experience the content or new technology tool. 

I think some of the tools above can be difficult to implement and it is all dependent on the technology skill level of your students. Some of the tools listed in the document are specific to the ACT/MME , careers, or just research in general. In the foreign language classroom at this point, these tools do not necessarily apply, as the students are testing on the state test or are they conducting research in the target language at such a novice level.